Wednesday, 28 July 2021

Where To Find The Best Heart Surgeon In Dombivli?

 Out of all the organs, heart is the most sensitive part of the body through which the entire organs are connected to keep them alive. Sometimes some severe issues happen with the heart that causes very big issues which lead to surgery. Therefore, Mahajan Heart Clinic here conducts the best Heart surgery in Dombivli after diagnosing every issue to the core.

Heart surgery in Dombivli

These are some of the surgeries which happen when the situations get critical:

  • Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG)
  • Heart valve repair or replacement
  • Insertion of a pacemaker or an implantable
  • Maze surgery
  • Aneurysm repair
  • Heart transplant


We have the Best Heart surgeons in Dombivli who have been performing the surgeries for years and always get succeeded in it. Firstly, they diagnose the issues deeply and then recommend the suitable treatments to the people. They also guide them about the budget and the duration it is going to take.

Heart surgery in Dombivli

We have all the latest and modern technology machinery which provides accurate results through which we conduct suitable treatments to the people which for sure cure the problems of the people as per their medical history and age.

We ensure that the chest pain and shortness of breath get better or cured as they happen due to the poor blood flow of the heart. We have set our name in this domain at the top by providing all the best services through best facilities to the people.

We aim to provide a better and healthier lifestyle to the people and we also keep tracking the condition of the people to keep them satisfied with the treatments. We follow all the rules of medical authorities which make us the reliable and preferable hospital. We offer all the treatments at affordable prices as well.

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Tuesday, 20 July 2021

What is A Holter Monitor Test?

A Holter monitor is a tiny, portable gadget that monitors your heart rate. You may be asked to wear a Holter Monitor Test in Kalyan for one to two days by your doctor. The gadget captures all of your heartbeats throughout that period.

If a standard electrocardiogram (ECG) does not provide your doctor with adequate information about your heart's health, a Holter monitor test may be performed.

 Your doctor will use the data from the Holter monitor to determine whether you have a cardiac rhythm issue. If normal Holter monitoring fails to detect your irregular heartbeat, your doctor may recommend a longer-term monitor.


Why it's done

If you experience signs and symptoms of an abnormal cardiac rhythm (arrhythmia) or unexplained fainting, your doctor may prescribe that you wear a Holter monitor for a day or two.

You'll get an electrocardiogram before getting a Holter monitor (ECG). An ECG is a rapid and painless test that checks your heart's rhythm using sensors (electrodes) attached to your chest.

However, because you're only linked up to the equipment for a brief period, an ECG may miss any changes in your cardiac rhythm. An ECG may overlook aberrant cardiac rhythms, but a Holter monitor may be able to detect them.

If you have a cardiac ailment that puts you at risk for an irregular heart rhythm, a Holter Monitor Test in Kalyan may be recommended.

Other than occasional discomfort or skin irritation where the electrodes were inserted, there are no substantial hazards associated with using a Holter monitor.

The Holter monitor, on the other hand, must not be exposed to water or it will be destroyed. If you're using a Holter monitor, don't swim or bathe while it's on. You'll be shown how to detach and reconnect the senso if you have a wireless Holter monitor.

Other electrical appliances generally have little effect on holter monitors. However, some gadgets can cause the transmission from the electrodes to the Holter monitor to be interrupted. If you have a Holter monitor, you should use it.

Tuesday, 13 July 2021

Where To Get Quality Test Of Angiography in Kalyan?

Whenever there is some issue occurred in the blood vessels then it does not come in the X-RAY and a special test is needed which is known as angiography. It requires professionals and the latest machines to conduct these tests which are given by Mahajan Heart Clinic here as we have the best Angiography Doctor in Kalyan who has years of experience in diagnosing and treating people.

It is also considered as the X-ray technique where dye is injected into the chambers of the patient's heart to allow the doctors to measure the blood flow and blood pressure in the heart chamber. It is done to check if the coronary arteries are blocked.

We have all the latest and modern technology which enables the Angiography Doctor in Kalyan to diagnose the issues and then we work on the issues as per that which surely provide the relief to the patients. Our team of highly experienced doctors has been performing this test for years and then recommends suitable treatments as per the age and condition.

We have set our benchmark in this domain by offering the highly effective tests and other facilities. Our other team keeps a complete track of all the tests, treatments, and other services of the patients so that we can work on our issues accordingly if any.

We aim to offer the maximum satisfaction to the patients and for that, we follow all the norms which match the medical authorities. We offer all the services at affordable prices so that everyone can get them easily as there is an increasing number of physical issues that require regular check-ups and proper medications and we are the best ones to provide all of that. So, contact us at any time if there is any kind of diagnosis you need and we are here to help you.

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Tuesday, 6 July 2021

Differences Between Interventional Cardiology and Cardiology| Contact Us 9870270751

Interventional cardiologist in Dombivli specializes in the treatment and care of patients with conditions such as hypertension, high cholesterol, elevated risk of heart attack or stroke, and conduct tests and procedures, such as stress tests, echocardiograms, and monitoring of heart rate and rhythm problems, to diagnose and treat these and many other common cardiovascular concerns and diseases.

"The major difference between interventional cardiology and general cardiology is that interventional cardiologists are trained to perform specific catheter-based treatments for heart disease, whereas general cardiologists are not trained in those procedures,”

Interventional cardiologists are specialists who are trained to place stents in clogged arteries to allow blood to flow properly and reduce the risk of stroke or heart attack, as well as to repair holes in the heart, or place special devices in the heart to help it function properly. Using cutting-edge technology, and the newest techniques and complex advancements in this field of medicine, such as cardiac catheterization, transcatheter aortic valve replacement, and mitral valve replacement and repairs, interventional cardiologists perform delicate, life-saving, and life-enhancing procedures to treat patients with heart disease, valve defects, or structural abnormalities.

And while a cardiologist will follow up and may treat a patient continuously, for any cardiovascular concerns and to monitor general health, and interventional cardiologist, being a surgeon and a specialist, is more frequently not an ongoing part of a patient’s medical team, but rather a one-time or occasional care provider, when their specific expertise is required for a certain procedure.


When cardiac catheterization was first put into practice in the 1980s, percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty was the only procedure available to surgeons and patients, and there was no required specific formal curriculum or training in this specific subspecialty of cardiology.

But recent medical research, trials, and advances have changed the scope of this important area of medicine over the last four decades, and today, coronary Interventional cardiologist in Dombivli ’ expertise includes numerously specialized treatments, procedures, diagnostic tools, and therapies, including stenting, atherectomy, hemodynamic support devices, filters, and thrombectomy.


Comprehensive Care for Heart Surgery in Kalyan at Mahajan Heart Clinic

  Heart health is one of the most vital aspects of overall well-being. With increasing lifestyle-related diseases and genetic predisposition...